Service Providers
Service Providers
What is 112
When to Call 112
How to use 112 correctly
Making an Emergency Call
112 for Kids
Other emergency numbers
Emergencies when Traveling
Emergency SMS
SMS Questions and Answers
Additional Information for Emergency SMS users
Submit Additional Information
Emergency SMS Terms and Conditions
Sending a text to 112
Common Questions
Contact Us
What is 112
When to Call 112
How to use 112 correctly
Making an Emergency Call
112 for Kids
Other emergency numbers
Emergencies when Traveling
Emergency SMS
SMS Questions and Answers
Additional Information for Emergency SMS users
Submit Additional Information
Emergency SMS Terms and Conditions
Sending a text to 112
Common Questions
Contact Us
Submit Additional Information
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Terms Name of
Mobile Phone Number
Network Provider
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Eir (including GoMO)
48 Months
Lyca Mobile
Virgin Mobile
Tesco Mobile
Sky Mobile
Additional Personal Info
Please fill in the box above with any useful information or next-of-kin information that would assist the Emergency Services in their response in the event of them receiving an Emergency 112 SMS from your mobile phone.
Terms of Service
I accept the terms of service below
The 112 Service (“the Service”) allows mobile phone users to contact the emergency services by SMS. The Service is primarily provided for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired.
The Service is not designed to replace the traditional voice 112 or 999 service . People who can contact the emergency services using voice communications should continue to do so.
The use of the Service is subject to the following terms and conditions which you are accepting when you use the Service:
This Service is primarily provided for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired.
The Service is not designed to to replace the traditional voice 112 or 999 service. If you can make voice calls then you should continue to call 112 or 999 in an emergency situation.
If you text 112 or 999 in an emergency, you should continue to try other ways to contact the emergency services until you have received a reply message. This is because the Service uses the standard SMS systems which does not guarantee immediate delivery of SMS messages. You may need to ask a neighbour or passer-by to make a voice call to 112 or 999, or you may be able to textphone the relay service at 1800 207999.
The Service is only available from mobile phones connected to Irish mobile networks that support the Service and are participating in the Service. Please check with your mobile service provider for further terms and conditions which may apply to the use of Emergency SMS.
An SMS message sent from outside Ireland from a phone which has been registered to use the Service may not be delivered to the Service. Therefore please do not send an SMS to 112 from your Irish phone when roaming abroad, including when travelling in Northern Ireland.
Unlike emergency calls, location information will not be transmitted with the SMS. Therefore it is important you provide this information in your SMS.
SMS messages to the Service are free, however your phone might need to be in credit. Please check with your mobile communications provider to confirm this.
You will need to update the additional information provided again if you change your mobile phone number.
Messages received by the Service will be given the same priority as 112 or 999 voice emergency calls. As with the standard voice 112 or 999 emergency calls, if you misuse the Service the details of the call may be recorded and forwarded to the appropriate authorities and access to this Service may be restricted. SMS is a non real-time service and therefore mobile operators cannot and do not guarantee delivery of the SMS.
At times of peak demand, there may be some delays experienced with sending and receiving an SMS. This Service could be therefore prone to delays in processing an SMS received or sent to the emergency services.
When you use the Service, you accept your mobile communications provider's specific terms and conditions. You may view the specific terms and conditions for each participating operator using the links provided below.
You will be unable to use the Service when your mobile communications provider does not have network coverage in your area (either permanently or due to temporary outages).
Mobile communication providers offering this Service are doing so on a voluntary basis and participants use the service in full knowledge of the Service limitations as set out above. Mobile communication providers do not accept any liability whatsoever and exclude to the fullest extent permitted by law, any liability for any damages and/or losses arising from the use of the Service and in particular delivery failure or delay.
This Service will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
You agree that the Emergency Call Answering Service Provider, your mobile communications provider and ComReg may use information relating to your use of the Service for all reasonable purposes relating to the evaluation of this Service.
On request, you agree to provide feedback about the Service, any problems you have when using the Service, and for the message details to be used to improve the Service and training the SMS handlers.
Access to the Emergency Services through the Emergency Operator (ECAS) is made possible by each or the mobile network operators providing mobile services to customers in Ireland. You should consult your Mobile Network Operators terms and conditions for additional information about using the Emergency SMS service on your network.