At some point in your life, you may need to call the emergency services such as Fire Service, Garda (police), Ambulance or for an Emergency on the water, the Coast Guard.
By being prepared for calling the emergency services, you can get the help you need much more quickly which can often make a big difference. Parents should also teach their children about when and how to call for help.
In Ireland we have two emergency numbers – 999 and 112.
The main emergency services are the “blue light” services that respond to normal emergencies in Ireland namely An Garda Síochána, the Ambulance Service, the Fire Service and the Irish Coast Guard. These principal emergency services would be first responders in most emergency situations.
112 works in all EU countries from any phone, free of charge. If a family member or friend is travelling within the EU, check that they know what number to call in case of any emergency – under stress of an accident, it could prove vital.